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Friday, February 21, 2014

The Global Social Problem

We have been a bit too social in the 21st century not in the traditional way but in the advanced way. We’ve been social networking a bit too much. It’s impossible to think about life without internet or Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or WhatsApp or Vine; and the list goes on and on. I too am addicted hence I’m trying to bring about a solution on my Blog with is another social media. Before we get to the conclusion, I think first we need to figure out what the problem is; is it social networking? The answer would be ‘no’; it’s not social networking, it’s why you do it; quite simple: people have reasons; some do it to endorse their brands or for businesses’ sakes; some to promote their works and some to share their moments with friends and family and for others to share their private life with a bunch of strangers. I do not know particularly from which category you belong to but that is not any of my business.
Now-a-days it’s not anymore about the sharing; it has become showing-off. Tell me how is it sharing when you’re bothered about your own family members joining Facebook? You block them deliberately and you’re okay with a bunch of people whom you’ve never met in your life seeing all your stuffs, reading about your personal life; all your problems and about the things that make you happy. Now they have somehow become closer to you than people who’ve known you all along; why? Because of common interests? No it’s because of being equally neglected in real lives or somehow some people have succeeded to make you feel any less of yourselves. People judge you or they make your life harder by making fun of you or putting you in embarrassing situations; they don’t get you, well that’s the story ain’t it? The internet people get you; they feel what you feel; they agree with you; they make you feel special; the way no one has ever made you feel in real lives. Real life is hard; it is where you’re only praised if you have lots of money or you’re famous or you’ve got a bunch of cool friends who come from money. Real life is hard for regular people with regular lives, no fuss, nothing fancy; it’s when everyone starts judging you for being who you are, internet gives you the power to be the God. It’s a place of your own where only those you like are invited. Everything is good about the internet except it’s not true; it’s virtual and there are probably things which you believed to be true don’t even exist. I know when you get depressed seeing your cousin just bought a Ferrari and you’re still driving your Prius; is it depressing when you see your high school buddy doing great with his/her life, pulling 500K a year; you get depressed knowing your ex-best-friend got a new best-friend or one of your buddies married your high-school-sweetheart or someone you thought had no shot in life won a reality show.
Let us not do that, let us not peek in others’ lives; after all it’s not going to get us anything. The moment we close the browser tab it is real life we have to deal with. Let us forget about the expensive/luxurious part of life and focus on the small things; the less valuable things according to us; the job you’ve got, it’s small; you don’t get paid much but it pays your bills; how about your small apartment? It needs some work done, redecorate it with the money you’ve been saving for iphone 6; and what about your parents, who brought you here: spend more time with them. I’ve seen people who don’t have that good of a connection with their families; well I say, create one of your own: that way you won’t have to live with the old memories, you’ll have new ones; better ones. At the end of the day it’s this miserable life that you have to deal with so rather than spending time in Farmville, why don’t you create your own Farm; where you can play with those you choose to. It’s impossible that everyone around you is bad; rather telling a bunch of strangers that you’ll be home alone tonight, why don’t you invite your neighbor? Instead of telling everyone about your break up why don’t you just take a break, watch your favorite comedy show and laugh your heart out; you’ll feel better knowing you’re stronger than you thought you were and no you don’t need advices from people whom you’ve never met.

I’m not telling you to stop being the King/Queen of Twitter/Facebook/Instagram; just decide not to play anymore with those who are ready to put everything out there. Inspire them with something new, not the old you who is all about life problems and cursing words; go for a walk or travel or maybe you need a vacation or you can watch movies or play some Angry-Birds or read a book or maybe write one or Blogging can be an option too; how about some music or a play; I know what you need exactly: a Life that is your own which is real and most importantly Beautiful.

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