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Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Help

“You is kind, you is smart, you is important.”

The above line is a known one from the book by Kathryn Stockett called “The Help”. I am assuming that people who have a knack towards literature or movies have heard about this one. Oh, it is a wonderful one, almost legendary. The woman wrote about racial issues but I’m about to take it to a whole new different level.
The other day I was attending a lecture given by the Head of our Department, he was talking about how we take ourselves so seriously and consider to be more important than the others, and in reality we’re merely nothing, even if we die today, it will not be much of a big deal altogether. He was right. If I die today, it will cause pain to my parents mostly and a few people whom I once considered as friends, which leaves a question mark though. So we are not important to the world, we haven’t contributed much and it’s better if we just remove ourselves and make space for those who mean a big deal. Say for example Julia Roberts, she’s a star, if we lose her, the world will lose something so important and equally precious..after all there ain’t gonna be another “Pretty Woman” quite like herself. Let us go back a little, who made her The Julia Roberts? Besides being so pretty and almost perfect, she is a wonderful actress. She didn’t need much help to become who she is now did she? So who ultimately helped her? I’m guessing the Director, along with the Cameramen, the DOP, the Make-up Artist, the Hair-dresser, the Costume Designer and all the other people related to the glamour world..right? But why did she need all that help? She was born to be a star and I bet she would have been a star without all this help and even without us. Yeah, you got me, well this was not all sarcasm. I, myself am a huge fan of her and I would do anything to see that pretty face of hers in front of me someday. She’s just like a snowflake, tender and flawless. I wrote all this to make you people realize about what or who is important and how one becomes important. One becomes important because of a lot of not so important people. So is this why we are here? To make a few certain beautiful human beings feel more important than our own selves? I bet we all wanna become actors; we all wanna be in front of that camera, I bet we all wanna become important. Then why aren’t we doing something about it? Why aren’t we all becoming stars? Lack of talent you would answer I suppose, well if it’s so much about the talent then how come the pretty girls and the handsome guys get more opportunities than the so called not so pretty ones? Yeah, you got me again. Well I cannot stand by that irony of the Silver Screen people anymore because I believe they have taken the word “Talent” a bit more seriously since they could not deny Octavia Spencer’s performance in the movie “The Help”. She deserved it and we all know that but we all also know about the typical people who are sitting on the couch (Probably reading this) who once made judgments about her appearance and about how she is not appropriate to become an actor because she is not pretty enough and oh boy did they use some hard words. I bet nothing could stop that big girl.
It’s India, the place of the infamous world of Bollywood where a film containing Katrina Kaif’s sexy dance scenes gets more views and appreciation than a well-written script performed by an extremely talented actress. In India there is no place for people like Octavia Spencer, but I bet she doesn’t give a rat’s ass as she is home clicking pictures with her Oscar and posting them on Instagram, but I do, women like me do, people with talent but no appreciation do. The reason being not Katrina look-a-likes has got us poor judgments on our potential and made us feel that we are probably not so important. Imagine a world where people decide to remove themselves after realizing that they are not so important, well the currently important ones..will they remain important then? Think it over.

So who is going to help us? Don’t we all need help to see the reality, don’t we all require help to see the light of wisdom, don’t we all need help to open our eyes? Where have we come? What have we become? Discriminations in our own race..there is no unity. You are polluting the young minds, you are polluting the nation and shame on those who do. I cannot change them, no one will listen to my words as I’m not important enough but I bet that the actual important ones will agree with my words and possibly will Help spreading it.

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