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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

From a Lover's Point of View

From a Lover’s Point of View

Ever had the feeling of an epiphany? Thinking its perfect right in this moment but what will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or in a year or after a decade? Realists would say..we don’t need to think that far ‘cause we love to live in the reality and we think about today at first then tomorrow. Well you have to..maybe not now but future is something that keeps us motivated so we have to acknowledge this fact. Have you ever been with a person..with whom you feel complete? You feel like you can spend the rest of your life just with his/her presence? Do you ever think how long it can last? It all comes out from the inner fear..insecurity..knowing what we have today, might not be there for us tomorrow. Don’t we always prepare our minds towards that bad ending? This is natural..this is something we normal people do..what about a Lover? Who came in this world with lots of love in his/her heart who believes in giving it away a bit to everyone. Does the Lover think about tomorrow as much as we do? That is basically my subject this time. The so called little things towards we react in our everyday does a Lover react towards’em? We have everything..the feeling..the irresistible desire to be with THE ONE..the mental approach..the longing for the love and more or less the physical can never deny that one..don’t we stop for a second and rethink..what if we lose it? What if it doesn’t last? A Lover’s approach towards this thing would be..quite “If it’s worth having then it’s sure worth fighting for” we all do that? Do we all wanna do that?..don’t we just give up way too easily? This world doesn’t lack in Beautiful people, it lacks in people with Beautiful hearts. If we can have one..we wanna keep one..but can we maintain it for a lifetime? Present is a gift and there is no guarantee that we will get another why don’t we live in the present moment and make the most of it? Ever heard of the term “Soul-mate”? Well we only have one soul and if we consider one to be our soul-mate..if something wrong happens and we get we get another one? Won’t it require another soul to have another soul-mate?..that’s unrealistic and in a way..stupid to even think about. So when you know it’s something you find once in a lifetime..won’t you try to remove all the doubts of getting separated in future? My point of view towards it would needs more than a careful’s a commitment for sure but more than that it’s a promise no..not to the other’s a promise to your soul to keep it as sacred as it was provided to us when we got here. Unless you are sure..don’t make any sudden move. You might be a Lover but this world is not a safe place for you..they aren’t really simpatico. Lovers and Society..lets just say they have issues..big ones. We try to hide’em by calling’em as circumstances..but circumstances are only what we create around us..if we could create a peaceful world then it would have been under the circumstances that you can be with whoever you want and however you want to..needless to mention how Lovers are still fighting for their right to love. Everywhere we go..we’ll see odd couples..they’re not odd..but our point of view towards those couples is odd and quite pathetic. The world has a broader perspective but our minds are filled with filth so we’re not able to take things as they are.

In the’s change..which is the only permanent thing in this world..we just need to fix our minds onto something concrete..what do we wanna change..ourselves??..our partner?? or their point of view towards us..?

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