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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Second Chance

A Second Chance

In life we all make mistakes. Some people admit them..some don’t. Some try to change themselves in order to make things right and some try to change things according to himself/herself to make things right. So at the end of the day, the question arrives..who is more successful? If someone has made a mistake..does that mean he/she deserves a second chance? Well in that case..who are we to judge? Who are we to know if that person deserves a second chance or not? We can’ fact we shouldn’t but we just can’t help ourselves feeling pity for someone.
How do we define success? Having a 4BHK apartment..a few cars..a Huge amount of money just sitting there with interest in a few banks; that’s what we call success. What if a person has a small Apartment on personal vehicle of his he successful? This world will laugh at my question and will answer me back as “Are you kidding me?” He is a loser in our eyes. What we don’t see is that everybody loves that guy..whenever he walks down the street..he looks at you and smiles..oh that smile makes you forget everything and it makes you feel like “the world is not that bad..we’ve got some good guys too.” He wins hearts over his Behavior ..his sweet smile and Humble Nature. So what do we call success..Earning Money or Winning Hearts? Just give it a thought when you’ve got some free time. People can make you do offering you an amount or asking you to do it sweetly. The definition of success depends on which option you choose. If you choose the first option then as sure as hell that man is successful and you’re quite not..and if you choose the second option then no doubt you will soon be successful.
We judge people without a reason..ask I perfect? How do we know if what we’re calling as a actually a mistake? Maybe there’s too much into it..something that we don’t realize and we are too naïve to realize. But the person who knows it better than us is doing what he/she feels best for himself/herself. Right or Wrong..we all have different meanings towards these two words..for you which is wrong can be absolutely right for me or it can go vice versa. So it is pointless in judging someone with your point of view. How much have you faced? Did you conquer it? The world or it’s beliefs? Well then you’re quite wrong in judging someone else as wrong. You’re a fool for not realizing this fact. My point is if we are thinking..does he/she deserve a second chance? First of all we are no one to think like that..and how do we know..he/she won’t make another mistake?..what will we do then?..will he/she deserve a third chance then? It’s not up to us to know..and if we don’t get ourselves busy in these thoughts..we can actually save a lot of time. The way of being successful isn’t in anybody’s hands..they are just not gonna give it to have to work hard for it. Just know that nothing in life comes easily and there is always a price to pay. So stop thinking about what others think about you..others are in no position to judge you. They are no better than you. Don’t let yourself down by asking for a second chance..just think from whom you’re asking does he/she deserves a second chance with you? Maybe you can do better..I’m sure you will do better. In a way if it didn’t work out the first time..there is barely a chance that it will work the second time. “Everything happens for a reason.” You just need to figure out the reason. You just need to find out your “worth” ..which won’t be held in chances. Work hard..don’t beg for a second chance..if you’re successful then chances will be knocking at your door.

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